The Precariat – The new dangerous class

"For the first time in history, the mainstream left has no progressive
agenda. It has forgotten a basic principle. Every progressive
political movement has been built on the anger, needs and aspirations
of the emerging major class. Today that class is the precariat." ...

... "As argued in the book, quality time is a crucial asset. We need
policies to equalise access to it. Again, there is no inherent reason
for the rich having so much more control over their time than the
precariat. But the latter has to allocate so much time to handling
bureaucratic demands, to chasing one short-term insecure job after
another and to learning new bags of tricks called ‘skills’ that could
become obsolescent before they have a chance to use them. Similarly,
there is no reason to have a society in which the affluent have access
to technical advice on how to run their lives profitably while the
precariat cannot do so. These are forms of inequality that are
structural, not derived from merit or laziness. "


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