The skeptics remind me of defense lawyers.  They can always come up with 
reasonable doubt as to whether or not their clients committed the crime.  The 
extent to which the skeptics of the ECAT go to convince themselves that it is a 
scam amazes me.  Of course it is always possible to perform magic tricks and 
deceive everyone.  But his luck would run out sooner or later and he would be 
discovered.  Does anyone honestly think Mr. Rossi spends the time and energy 
that would be required to continuously devise tricky methods to deceive us?  
This concept is completely without reason.

I have enormous confidence in Mats Lewan and appreciate the effort he has 
expended toward this project.  Where would we be if it were not for him?

I think you are wise in your belief that the self sustaining mode is convincing 
to observers.  It is not really all that practical unless the energy used to 
keep it in that mode is derived from output of the device.  I am sure that this 
is possible and will become common in the future.  Wouldn't it be nice to have 
a small battery backup system just to start the reactor and then it recharges 
the batteries in preparation for the next start up.

You suggest that the calorimetry is simplified by the self sustaining mode.  To 
me, I would prefer to have constant input power that can be accurately measured 
and therefore steady state output.  If this type of system is run for long 
enough, there can be not doubt as to the ratio of output power to input power.  
 Actually it would not take much time to determine that steady state output has 
been achieved.  My last document about proof of LENR revealed that truth.  It 
was very evident that the ECAT was operating in a constant output mode 
(actually extremely slowly dropping) just before it was placed within the self 
sustaining mode.  The measurements reported by Mats in his Excel file would 
allow me to calculate almost exactly how much the average input power would 
need to increase in order to make the output flat and not varying with time for 
as long as we desired.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Rothwell <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Fri, Oct 28, 2011 1:26 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi: self-sustaining limit is around six hours

David Roberson <> wrote:


I am hoping that the test today will be well documented and we have access to 
the data.  Am I dreaming?

If, as Rossi claims, a third-party engineer is collecting the data we probably 
will have access to it.

In lieu of that, Lewan is there and he will do his best to collect data. 
Without him there would have been no data at all from the past two tests. He 
said so himself, in an acid comment:

"The shortcomings of the test measurement methods were clear, though 
significant improvements had been made compared to previous ones. Data were 
retrieved only because Ny Teknik, without being prepared, took responsibility 
for gathering and recording the readings."

He has worked under trying circumstances and done as well as can be expected.

I think there is good hope that we will have better data this time.

If the thing runs in self-sustaining mode for a long time, that will sure 
simplify the calorimetry, won't it? It makes for a very convincing demo. I do 
not think it has any technological significance but the main thing now is to 
convince people it is real.

Of course the skeptics will say there was a hidden 1 MW wire or 343 kg of 
hidden gasoline (enough for 4 MWh), but many other people will be convinced by 
~1 MW of steam continuing for many hours with no input. I will grant, it would 
not be hard to hide 343 kg of gasoline in that monster.

- Jed

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