I continue to plod along on a simulation of prospective E-cat designs to fit the 6 Oct 2011 Rossi test results. I have simulated various combinations of materials for thermal storage and have found that a couple slabs of ordinary Portland cement with a heating resistor sandwiched between them seems to fit the properties of the E-cat fairly well in terms of heat storage dynamics. All but the slab ends can be insulated with vermiculite. With a lot of experimentation (by simulation) a much better fit can probably be obtained, using mixed materials, but what I have now is very simple and looks like it will be fairly good once control dynamics are added. It is most notable that attempting to simulate results from a black box using rational and credible designs is far more difficult than simulating prospective designs for a new construction of some kind. In the latter case control of the design is available and all is known. In the former case the degrees of freedom for the black box contents provide increased orders of magnitude of difficulty. Given the unreliability of the data, it is perhaps a nonsensical thing to attempt, and has been given far to more effort than is justified.

I have only been working on the basics. I have not yet begun to fully explore the dynamics of water volume fluctuations and the possible dynamic controls suggested in my review at:


Some sample graphs of ouput data, corresponding to Graph 2 and Graph 5 are shown here:


corresponds to Graph 2 at:




corresponds to graph 5 here:


The difference between old graphs and the new corresponding graphs is that the outputs in the new graphs were calculated using only the input data, not using the experiment output data at all.

I also produce a dynamic temperature profile of one of two internal slabs of cement assumed in the simulation to exist in the E-cat (their profiles are symmetric):


This profile will look very different if dynamic control is used to control timing of when heat is released from the slabs, e.g. when water is admitted to the inside of the E-cat case to absorb the slab heat, or when slabs are joined under pressure to transmit heat better.

Some sample text output from a run is shown here:


Graph 6S that demonstrates the FEA part of the simulation. It shows the largest thermal gradient at the water side of a cement slab between times T300 (min) and T330, well after the power cutoff at T281, and thus the largest thermal output after or before the power was cut off. This corresponds to the nice bump in the power out curve between T300 and T330 in Graph 2S. I think the power out peak will be pushed further to the right once I get logic in the program to reduce water access to the heat in the slab in proportion to the power supplied. The heat released prior to the main power cut-off at T281 can be reduced if dynamic controls are in place and thus the curve prior to T281 will be reduced to look more like Graph 2, and the heat after death power curve will be shifted to the right and increased in magnitude. Also, the slab, or possibly one of two slabs, of material can fully and uniformly come up to temperature, essentially doubling the thermal storage. In a realistic device the water interface should be metallic, at least a thin layer, but this has little effect on the overall thermal dynamics.

I have been looking for a very small normally open valve with a (current) proportional response. It only needs to control a flow of about 4 ml per second, or about 0.24 liters per minute. I think I could make one using a Taco Power Head zone valve actuator (discarding the metal case), but I'll bet there is something available off the shelf. It would have to be small and able to work in up to maybe 120°C heat, using only about 7 watts of power. Here is the best I've found, but it would need to be smaller and cover a smaller flow rate, and doesn't need to handle such extreme pressures:

http://www.hydraforce.com/proport/Prop_html/ 2-380-1_PV08-31/2-380-1_PV08-31.htm

I like the operating temperature!

"Temperature: -40° to 100°C (-40° to 212°F) with Buna seals; -26° to 204°C (-15° to 400°F) with Fluorocarbon seals"
These are interesting, but too large and not heat tolerant:



The AB12 model looks interesting:


This company is interesting:


They have a miniature valve line too.


Interesting that the pulse code modulation PCM variable valves operate at kHz frequency.

I suspect I'm looking in the wrong places for the kind of valves desired.

If I can get a good realistic computer simulation then it might be fun to build a physical E-cat simulator using that design. OTOH, it would be a much better use of time to resume other experimentation.

I slightly changed the format of my web site, but it is all the same old stuff. I thought it felt better starting off with my haiku regarding cold fusion:


Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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