On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 9:16 AM, Marcello Vitale <mvit...@ucsbalum.net>wrote:

> To the hard-core skeptics, two questions:
> - did man actually set foot on the moon? Compare and contrast level of
> proof.

I agree, the moon-landing requires some trust, because there is no way for
us to witness it directly. But the sheer number of complicit people --
probably 10s of thousands -- required to fake it make that scenario
infinitely more difficult to believe than a moon landing, which after all
is based on perfectly well-understood physics. There is no unknown reaction
claimed here.

In Rossi's case, it is completely feasible to demonstrate the effect
without any need for trust, and so here the fact that he doesn't makes it
likely that he can't. Furthermore, the number of complicit people necessary
is much, much smaller. In fact, it could be all delusion or incompetence
(definitely not possible in the moon-landing).

> - how is Rossi trying to make money out of his wonderful, long, elaborate,
> hollywoodian scam? I already wrote a detailed post on that and got no
> reaction.

Maybe you missed the cross-post of Krivit's comment on his latest post,
where he spells it out pretty well. Briefly, entirely plausible,
confidential, and substantial, investments.

Or, for another clue, look at BLP and how their wonderful, long, elaborate,
hollywoodian story, in which no product has ever been marketed, and in
which promises have been repeatedly unfulfilled, has nevertheless earned
them about $60M in investment.

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