Am 18.11.2011 18:11, schrieb Mary Yugo:

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 8:38 AM, Peter Heckert < <>> wrote:

    At the same time Rossi says on his forum he has sold 13  1MW
    plants to an secret military organisation in a secret country.
    If he continues to sell so sucessfully, then he cannot fulfill a
    delivery time of 3 months. ;-)

Rossi seems to be buying time before he has to disclose the identity of a buyer.

    Adolf Schneider wrote in July in his german "NET" magazine, they
    have already 100 pieces of 1MW plants build in USA.
    This was before the Bologna 1MW prototype was ready.

Amazing. Thank you for reading and interpreting the German text. Of course, that has to be simply a lie. There could not be a plant in the US that made 100 large nuclear fusion devices and escaped public scrutiny and proper investigation by the Homeland Security Agency and many others.

Ok, I have reread it and must admit, I made a small error.
I feel the obligation not to spread rumors, but fight rumors and give precise information.

What he actually wrote, reads as follows:

Für jene Länder, die noch keine
Lizenz erworben haben, können ab November
bei Dr. Rossi Bestellungen für
1-MW-Anlagen inAuftrag gegeben werden,
die laut Dr. Rossi innert zwei
Monaten, und zwar als komplette Container,
geliefert werden. Deren Preis
liegt bei 2 Mio Euro. In den USA seien
laut Dr. Rossi bereits Tausende solcher
1-MW-Anlagen bestellt worden.
<>  page 13
This is from september/october 2011.

First, he writes "in those countries where it is not licensed, orders can be made directly to Rossi from November on". This means, he implies, many countries have already bought licenses, without actually saying this.
"Delivery is within 2 months, price is 2 million Euro for a 1MW plant"
He doesnt mention, if this is with or without tax and customs fees and who brings it over custom. This shows, the offer is not real.
Transportation costs are not mentioned.
(There is an easy trick for fraud. Deliver, but make intentional formal errors in documents and adress and then it will not go over customs, but will go back. So you never get it and must fight for the money.)

He former writes "In USA there are already thousands 1 MW plants ordered".
He did not write, they are ready built.
I was in error about this, sorry.

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