On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 2:34 PM, Akira Shirakawa

> We are no more in the mode of public tests, the times of public tests are
>> over. We are manufacturing plants for our Customers, and our Customers will
>> test the plants they have bought.
>> The proposal of Celani is just a provocation, and an insult to all the
>> people that already made tests.
>> We are working for our Customers, not for the curiosity of our
>> competitors.
>> By the way: Celani is using since decades the money of the taxpayer to
>> make his apparatuses: he should employ his time to make worth the public
>> money he is using, instead of going to try to “test” the work of others.
>> Warm Regards,  A.R.
That is a ridiculous, tangential, and totally inappropriate defensive
response.  Why would Rossi consider a reasonable proposal to conduct an
independent test "a provocation and an insult"?  Unless of course, his
device would not pass the test?

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