The word "scam" implies that somebody got cheated: it requires a
perpetrator and at least one victim. Money or some other good must be
exchanged fraudulently.

If Chan is knowingly making something look like something else, as with
various feats of bravery videos on youtube, it would be called an "hoax".
That requires the absence of profit motives, except for the gain of
personal satisfaction one would gain from fooling somebody else

If, instead, he is doing something that he thinks is meaningful but,
because of a factor such as what pointed out by Horace he is actually doing
something altogether different and much less interesting, it would be a
simple mistake, which would become a self delusion if one keeps insisting
in the face of evidence.

The parallels with the lives and deeds of Andrea Rossi, but even of MY,
really, if one thinks about it, are left to anybody to ponder as they see

On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 12:52 AM, Daniel Rocha <>wrote:

> He is not asking for money. He is even asked for reproduction. You could
> do it.
> 2011/11/21 Mattia Rizzi <>
>> A scam inside a scam. Marvellous.
>> -----Messaggio originale----- From: David ledin Sent: Monday, November
>> 21, 2011 10:07 PM To: Subject: [Vo]:A person claim
>> successful replication of e-cat
>>  A person named Chan has posted a  descriptive method of replicating a
>> version of the ecat on and claim  reached self
>> sustained fusion at 200 C for days.
> --
> Daniel Rocha - RJ

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