Berke Durak <> wrote:

> > This colonel engineer confuses kg and g.
> False.  The correct sentence would be :
> > This coloned engineer CONFUSED kg and g.
> That is, he made a mistake in the report.  You can't claim with
> a straight face that he doesn't know a gram from a kilogram.

I expect Heckert does have a straight face. You can tell that he and the
others have run out of legitimate arguments when they resort to this kind
of nonsense. They have nothing more to say. They have lost the argument.

This reminds of an incident in the 2008 election campaign. Obama
was exhausted and he accidentally referred to visiting "the 57 states."
This may have been a random slip of the tongue. Maybe not. I believe
Democratic primaries include the 50 states plus the District of Columbia,
Americans Overseas, Puerto Rico and four others, so Obama probably had
strategy sessions to deal with all 57. Anyway, this led to accusations by
opponents that Obama does not know how many states are in the U.S., because
he is ignorant. That is absurd; he has many faults but ignorance is not
among them. It was clear that these opponents were scrambling to find a
reason to attack him, and they were scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Those opponents are still harping about Obama's 57-state mistake. You can
find references to it all over the Internet. Cold fusion opponents still
talk about F&P's mistake measuring neutrons in 1989, plus they natter on
about many imaginary mistakes they think they have detected over the years.
I am sure they will continue to assert that Fioravanti does not know the
difference between grams and kilograms for as long as this dispute lasts,
until Rossi is either accepted by the mass media, or forgotten.

- Jed

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