Thanks Jouni,


"Rossi said he would also like to develop small household cold fusion
power generators in Massachusetts.

"I'm already planning to come back soon," [Rossi] said, "We are hoping
to get something started in a matter of weeks, not months."

* * * *

Looks to me as if Rossi is definitely aware of the fact that he knows
he has a limited time-frame win which to cash in on his work. It
suggests Rossi knows his competitors will soon be out in full swing -
so get as many customers to sign on the dotted line as possible - NOW.

Meanwhile, one can only imagine what will happen when the NRC finally
decides that maybe... just maybe they ought to investigate this
Italian upstart and his absurd contraption. It just can't be for real,
can it? After all, the Amazing Randi sed in that recent you-tube clip
looking like the quintessential grandfather with his impressive long
white flowing beard... looking like the personification of God
Almighty himself (circa Old Testament) - it's all bogus.

Inevitably, when the NRC finally gets around to investigating Rossi it
will only add additional credence to the Italian's s claims. Lets
throw some more water on that grease fire! I suspect attempts to
"regulate" this little-understood technology will only cause the flood
gates to open even more.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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