I suggest Rossi is more skilled in the art of understanding and controlling his reactors than anyone on the planet. He was there so his health was also at risk. It is a cheap shot to suggest to suggest he intentionally risked the others health. You were not were, so how can you judge? I do remember after that incident, he always started the reactor with nobody in the room. Why? I would think to protect them from a run away reactor on start up?


On 11/29/2011 12:47 AM, peter.heck...@arcor.de wrote:
So Rossi did not ask himself, if this result is possible? 120 kW is impossible with a tube boiler of this size and instead restarting it he should have questioned the measurement and the method. Ask an engineer skilled in the art. If this is true, the he risked their health or life by restarting it.

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