> Dear Albert Ellul:
> I prefer not, I want to analyze a neutral reaction of the public to make
> projections.*This is a very important study*, not just a collection of
> pre-orders.
>  Warm Regards,
> AR

Unbeknownst to the cold fusion enthusiasts, Rossi is really doing a
phenomenological study on the perception and judgement of those who believe
in in LENR.  This explains everything about Rossi's behavior.  AR is not
really interested in proving that LENR works or taking a lot of money from
his followers or believers, although it doesn't hurt that some cash rich
corporation could pay or have paid him millions to do testing on his
invention.  He intently interacts and studies his audience mainly over the
internet, primarily to elicit responses from them, and he tries to get his
audience to make decisions based not entirely on science or facts, but
rather on subjective experiences.

This is the definition on phenomenology from the wiki: "phenomenology thus
attempts to create conditions for the
objective<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Objectivity_(philosophy)> study
of topics usually regarded as
consciousness and the content of conscious experiences such as
, perceptions <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perceptions>, and

Why phenomenology you ask?  Well, Rossi has done this before in 1973; his
master's thesis: Albert Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_Relativity> and
its interrelationship with Edmund
’s Phenomenology <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenomenology_(philosophy)>.

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