On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 3:05 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Let us compare this to the Hyperion brochure, p. 18. The ratio varies from
> 1:25 at the low end for the small reactor, up to 1:145. In percent terms,
> that is 4% to 0.7%. in other words, it is comparable to T&D or plant use
> conventional electric power generation.

The difference is that the coal plants use the electricity generated from
*coal*. They don't need an external source of power.

>From an engineering point of view it is unimportant.

This would be more credible if the H-Ni generators used electricity
generated from H-Ni, but they don't. They use electricity generated by coal
(or whatever). What is stopping them from doing the trivial engineering
necessary to cut the umbilical cord, and make the devices completely

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