The problem of insurance et certification is a key fact.

for me it is a way for the incumbent business to block the spread of that
technology to the public, and privatize the benefits to the usual big

as you see many comments, this is in process. the LENR is not event proved,
and however many start to raise reason to forbide it... in fact not to
forbid, but to restrict to the usual big incumbent.

anyway it won't work in poor countries, who don't respect rules, and this
might convince the population thet over-regulation is stupid...
but the stupidity and brain-washability of occidental population is
surprising (and the tools and infrastructure of brain washing is well
trained and prooved).
moreover I see, today in Europe, many mecanism to forbide the population to
have any action on regulation (constitutional precaution principle,
European environmental constraints, uncriticable european regulations, NGO
lobbying at EU level, weakeness of classic political lobby at EU level,
compared to NGO )...
i think that pioneer based countries might react better, despite their
developed status... they have theunconscious memory of a time where not
changing, not taking advantage of progress, staying static, mean death.

for Asia, they will adapt quickly.
for africa, the government will follow the incumbent lobbies, the NGO, but
population won't follow.

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