How much government spending goes to the richest 1%?  Very little, I think.  
You have to allow for some discretion, for God's sake!

They invest in Congress (lobbyists, re-election cash and outright bribes) and 
get - not outright cash in return but rather legislation that inhibits 
competition, or tax cuts, or regulations that protect their profits.  Only 
rarely does cash go directly to the rich, as with agricultural subsidies. 
Michael Moore finally got a few brain cells working and realized (gasp!) that 
President Obama was elected with huge does of cash from Too Big To Fail Banks. 
(well, duh)

By the way, bribery can be very easy and almost impossible to trace. In the old 
days, they fixed a horse race and told a select few what race 'looked good'. 
Today, they do it with stocks or commodity bets  (ask Hillary C. about this 
one).  As 60 minutes pointed out this past month, insider trading is legal for 

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