Not a Rossi or DGT device. But several working FPE cells. We will replicate and make several demo devices.


On 12/25/2011 12:50 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

From Aussie:

> Did you not see that my board and myself are 100% convinced?

> I have just completed several international visits. The FPE was

> real in 1989. It is still real in 2010. We now have a working FPE

> device which we will start showing to our clients and investors

> in 2012.

Greetings Aussie

My apologies if the following sounds redundant. There has been a lot of expressed bandwidth lately on Vortex, and as such, I'm sure I've missed a few threads. I just want to make sure I haven't misunderstood you or what your company has been up to:

Are you talking about one of Rossi’s eCats?

* When you use the term "international visits" what this implies (to me) is that on several occasions you have personally travelled to see Rossi & Co., and to personally investigate his eCats in action.

* When you use the term "working FPE" what this implies (to me) is that you have personally seen at least one of Rossi's eCats in operation. I will also infer from this that what you personally witnessed convinced you of the belief that Rossi's eCats generate far more heat than can be attributed to by prosaic/conventional means, such as from a hidden chemical reaction.

* Of even more interest to me, you state that you "... now have a working FPE device" in your possession and that you will soon start showing it to prospective clients and investors in 2012. Does this mean you now have in your possession at least one of Rossi's eCats and that you are free to operate and demonstrate (them) to others?

Please correct any misinterpretations I may have made. Again, sorry for the legalese redundancy.

BTW, Happy Holidays down under! :-)


Steven Vincent Johnson

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