On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 9:07 AM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Rossi and many other researchers are sitting on results that they could
> reveal if they chose to, which would profoundly change the outcome, and the
> whole course of human history.

I predict that in all likelihood, neither Rossi nor Defkalion will change
anything about human history.  If they continue behaving like Steorn, they
will occasionally, and with increasing rarity, have news releases and
perhaps additional inconclusive demonstrations and more unnamed customers
and undocumented sales.  There will be delays and clever but unconvincing
explanations for those delays.  It is highly improbable that any university
will get a device to test.  Aussie Guy will also probably be
disappointed.   The Xanthi Police Academy will continue to heat its
facility by conventional means.   Nobody will get a definitive tour of
Defkalion's or Rossi's "factories" though poorly documented and
inconclusive visits may be possible to "labs" for either outfit.  The
visitors, if this happens, will not be allowed independent tests.  Again,
all of this is predicated on a possible similarity to Steorn.

> On the other side, people in high places at the DoE or the APS choose to
> remain ignorant of this subject. Like Mary Yugo and Robert Park, they have
> made a decision to read nothing.

Actually, I've read more than I ever expected to about Rossi and Defkalion
and it was all unfortunately unconvincing.

> Perhaps they want to maintain "plausible deniability."

Absolute nonsense.   If Rossi and Defkalion's stuff is real, everyone will
know about it as soon as they allow the first proper independent test
results to be released or the instant they make a device available for sale
to anyone who can test it, show it and talk about it.  It's really that
simple.  And it could have happened any time since Rossi started
equivocating, deceiving and misdirecting a year ago.

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