All of those big government scientists should be de-funded. Especially all the 
hot fusion scientists -- every last one! Unfortunately, the Tea Party has been 
corrupted by liberal leaning individuals who want to keep spending tax dollars 
unconstitutionally, on projects the government has no business being involved 
in. If we really wanted scientific progress to accelerate in the energy field, 
we would reduce govt by eliminating subsidies to all energy producers, 
including big oil. 

With a true free market (not croney capitalism that bailsout banks and 
automakers) alternative energy technologies would thrive. I'm looking forward 
to when the R evol UTION wins the White House, and cuts a trillion dollars in 

The only aspect of the govt that in my opinion is constitutionally authorized 
to research cold fusion or hydrogen technology is the military, as part of a 
national defense (not a national offense). 

 From: "Roarty, Francis X" <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2012 3:38 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Government Scientists More Efficient at Splitting Hydrogen

Jan 2 Article on Cleantechnica
Looks like Argonne scientists are keeping up with Ni-H [snip] The new catalyst 
combination drove the reaction at ten times the previous rate, saving both 
energy and money. Chalk one up for those “Big Government” scientists – who this 
year escaped narrowly escaped defunding by the Tea Party/GOP. [/snip]

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