That's really Hank Mills. He always posts there.

2012/1/6 Robert Leguillon <>

>  Someone claiming to be Hank Mills chimed in on Rossi's JoNP webpage with:
> __________________________
>  *Hank Mills* <>
> January 5th, 2012 at 11:48 
> PM<>
> Hello Everyone,
> I have recently become aware of the fact a certain other company (that
> everyone here should be aware of) is claiming to have a robust Ni-H system,
> without the use of catalysts. In my opinion, it should be pointed out that
> Andrea Rossi has already stated that without the use of catalysts, Ni-H
> systems do not produce a practical quantity of output. Instead, their
> output is extremely limited by orders of magnitude, compared to systems
> using catalysts. Since he is the only individual in the world to have
> demonstrated robust and powerful Ni-H systems, I think we need to remember
> what he has said on this topic.
> I think we should be skeptical of the claims of any company that claims to
> have robust Ni-H systems, but do not utilize catalysts. When the claims
> come from a company that has never performed a single demonstration, I
> think we need to be even more skeptical.
> Sincerely,
> Hank Mills
> __________________________
> My summary which may-or-may-not reflect the actual intent:
> He appears to be stating that, though the reaction will occur *sans
> canalyst*, Defkalion's claims to have achieved Rossi-like power levels
> without a catalyst are unlikely and probably hogwash.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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