On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 7:42 AM, Robert Leguillon <
robert.leguil...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>  I was just showing that, after a short Google search, it is quite
> evident that the maryyugo persona is not, and I quote:
> "DOD shill assigned by the DOD to put the Vortex community off the scent,
> discourage the development and promulgation of the real story of the E-Cat,
> Rossi and Defkalion, together with ridiculing and undermining possible
> replication of the E-Cat"
> It may seem self-evident to most that the assertion is silly, but, you
> never really know what people will believe.
> My statement that, "Sorry, but she's been around the block a few times.."
> was merely to state that maryyugo's presence is not evidence of a DOD
> coverup, no matter how much some people may want there to be one.

There is not one shred of evidence that Rossi has ever shown, much less
sold, anything to anyone related to the DOD.   However, I cop to being a
shill from them.  I'm in the Army, not the Air Force and they'd never
entrust the job to a major.  I'm a bird colonel and if I do a decent job on
this assignment, I expect to get my first star.

As for Steorn, I was banned on and off but such bans are never successful.
In fact, I had two additional sign ons the two morons that Sean McCarthy
used for moderators never figured out and I posted, more conservatively, on
Steorn's silly forum almost until they became so embarrassed about how
obvious their scam was that they closed it.   The only way scammers can
have uncensored or lightly censored forums/fora is to provide only vague,
tangential or incomplete responses to good questions.  That is precisely
what Defkalion does on theirs and what Rossi does on his weirdly named blog
which he censors heavily and continuously.  By the way, though banned, I
also still post on ecatnews.com and its owner who uses the pseudonym of
"Paul Story" is none the wiser.

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