And it would become unbearably humid inside, so why hassle with it?


From: Mary Yugo [] 
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2012 1:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Testing at University of Bologna - The Deadline Looms



On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 12:28 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

Mary Yugo wrote:

It's not a barn, it's a small room.


Where is this photo? The photo I have is in a warehouse sized room.

I linked the photo.  I think it's the same location that Krivit described --
a small room connected to a large warehouse. 

BTW, even if it's a large room, the local effect should be substantial.  The
insulation hurts a bit but then, they could've removed it, circulated the
steam in a copper coil and proved that they could heat the local area.
Guess they didn't.  Funny how Rossi never does the obvious tests but does
all the obscure and misdirecting ones.  Must be coincidence.

More on that room -- it appears to be just 80 square feet and while I am not
sure it's the same room, it seems probable from the looks of it that it is:

"I entered a 7,500-square-foot room. Nothing was installed in it, and
electrical power came into the room from an extension cable. Except for a
few dozen folding chairs, a few tables, and a small portable coffee machine
(essential in Italy), the room was barren. 

Adjacent to this large room were two smaller rooms. One was a bathroom, and
next to that, in an 80-square-foot room, Rossi's E-Cat sat on a small table.
Two large tanks of hydrogen stood next to it."

>From Kirivit's trip report here:    

That was probably the same room.  If it was not, then whatever room it is
should have heated up-- it was only appx 8 x 10 feet!

Larger images of the room with Focardi and Rossi are here (LOL!):  

This is sort of a trivial matter and can't be settled for sure without
cooperation from Rossi or Levi which I am certain won't be forthcoming,
LOLOLOL!     I only talked about it for the amusement value.  

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