On Jan 9, 2012, at 1:39 PM, pagnu...@htdconnect.com wrote:

Ref[1] points out that certain nanowires can carry enormous current
densities (~ 10^11[A/cm^2]) which vaporize macro-sized wires.

In metals, this equates to ballistic electron speeds of ~ 100 km/sec
- approximately the same as (0-Amp) random thermal electron velocity
- far greater than a diffusive electron current drift velocity ~ 1 mm/sec
- far less than relativistic speeds.

When the wire diameter approaches 1 nm, nearly ballistic electon speeds
are possible over lengths of several microns.

In some nanowire and e-m field distributions, electrons attain inductive (not kinetic!) energies > 1 MeV. Collisions with protons or nuclei can
overcome the potential barrier (0.78 MeV) allowing neutron formation.

Unless large (AC or DC) current flows are induced, conduction electrons
will not acquire significant inductive energy - i.e., they will not
acquire large "effective mass" - a term commonly misunderstood as
relativistic mass.
Here "effective mass" is a not a scalar, but a vector quantity measuring
electron coupling to the inductive energy of the total current.
It is large in direction of large current flow, while small normal to it.

This my attempt at a semi-classical check on Widom-Larsen theory.
It looks quite reasonable to me, but I could be mistaken.
I would appreciate corrections or criticisms.

Lou Pagnucco

[1] "Stability of Metal Nanowires at Ultrahigh Current Densities"

You should keep in mind that in nanowires, even (laser induced) thermal pulses move at 2x10^6 m/s, the conduction band electron speed.

I am sorry that I do not have the appropriate time to give to this right now. This looks like a very worthwhile and interesting discussion.

I do have some differences of opinion with WL theory, as noted on pages 9 and 15 of this article:


Following are some comments on the validity of WL theory:


and the Larsen & Widom Patent:


Too bad I have misspelled "Widom" as "Windom" consistently for a long time!

The WL theory strikes me as out of touch with reality, i.e. with the likelyhood of things like neutron activation. I have heard they might be coming around to a theory more like mine, i.e. where neutrons do not actually form pre-fusion. I haven't read anything of theirs like that though.

The following article might also be of interest.


Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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