*A mistake that many scientists make is assuming that a theory applies for
all possible magnitudes and/or combinations of physical variables which
affect the material under test.*
 In reply...

Today, most worldwide national scientific funding is allocated toward high
energy physics. The legions of scientists that derive their livelihoods
from this type of science see the universe through the narrow purview of
this high energy perspective.

These multi-billion dollar systems include hot fusion represented by ITER
and like boondoggles, particle physics sanctioned by CERN and like
projects, and government sponsored nuclear physics where bombs, reactors,
and laser based inertial confinement fusion absorbs obscene levels of
funding in the untold billions.

When these disciples of the high energy paradigm say that LENR is contrary
to the laws of physics, it is these high energy laws they have in mind; the
laws they are comfortable with; the ones they works so long and hard to
learn from their text books and spent so much to finance this learning; the
ones they use every day where they work and know so well to the exclusion
of all other alternative modes of thinking.

They see their reality as a world of billiard ball particles that bounce
around, ricocheting off of nuclei and always acting alone in absolute
isolation having never been effected by resonance behaviors.

LENR on the other hand, is entirely dependent on resonance and the
resulting quantum mechanical coherence that this phenomenon generates.

Coherent particles live in a different extra dimensional world than their
deterministic Einsteinian billiard ball high energy brethren. The game that
coherent particles play is a different one; it is more rightly a cosmic
shell game.

We can never know under which shell a coherent particle will reenter our
world; it can appear anywhere at any instant when its time is right.

When a high energy particle is pointed to fly at a nucleus, the laws of
high energy physics rightly predicts that it will usually be deflected from
its mark by the Coulomb force.

But a coherent particle is a different beast entirely. When it reenters our
world forsaking the anonymity of superposition, it may reappear
effortlessly, motionless and without energy like a ghost anywhere in
space/time including inside that hard to penetrate nucleus.

The nucleus reorganizes in a whisper like a sleepwalker hardly knowing what
has just happened to it.

When the atoms in the neighborhood of this ghostly rematerialization are
densely packed together like in a metal lattice, the chances are good that
these ghost particles will fuse with some random lattice nucleus.

The high energy acolytes just can’t accept this experimentally demonstrated
quantum mechanical reality as a real law of nature.

We who are interested in the wonders of condensed matter and its hand
maiden, quantum mechanics must by necessity be patient. We will just have
to grin and bear the abuse. We will hunker down and await peer review; we
will await the rebirth the intellectual tolerance of the new scientific
Renaissance where the narrow minded fall from authority; like the Illuminati
of old, the acolytes of LENR will endure our trials until our time is once
again right in the affairs of men.

Best regards:


On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 7:06 PM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint <
zeropo...@charter.net> wrote:

>  Axil,****
> Much appreciate your focusing on purely technical material… it’s a welcome
> diversion to engage in the discussions.****
> ** **
> A mistake that many scientists make is assuming that a theory applies for
> all possible magnitudes and/or combinations of physical variables which
> affect the material under test.  I have commented numerous times in the
> past years about the fact that empirical data is obtained with test systems
> that have specific operating regimes for various physical parameters, be
> they temperature, pressure, electrical potential or current, magnetic field
> strength, etc.  Nearly all theories developed to explain empirical data
> have implicit assumptions that the theoretical ‘laws’ **only apply** for
> experiments where the physical variables are within the same operating
> regimes as the data used in establishing the theory.  I hope that’s not
> confusing… ****
> ** **
> It is quite common for an experiment with ‘far-from-equilibrium’
> conditions to ‘surprise’ the researcher.  Here are the first two sentences
> from a recent paper:
> “Antiferromagnetic phase transition in a nonequilibrium lattice of Rydberg
> atoms”****
>      http://pra.aps.org/abstract/PRA/v84/i3/e031402****
> ** **
> “The behavior of matter far from equilibrium is a fascinating area of
> study. The presence of driving and dissipation can lead****
> to remarkable phenomena that are not possible in equilibrium.  This has
> motivated much research on nonequilibrium physics.”****
> ** **
> Note the statement, “…can lead to remarkable phenomena that are not
> possible in equilibrium.”****
> ** **
> D or H loaded metal lattices would certainly qualify as
> far-from-equilibrium.  In the case of LENR, the remarkable phenomenon is
> excess heat and likely nuclear reactions at low energy and without the
> ‘normal’ expected reaction products.  These kinds of systems lead to
> ‘remarkable phenomena’ because they are driven to extremes where **
> nonlinear** processes **dominate**. ****
> ** **
> One way to drive a system into far-from-equilibrium condition is using
> resonance… ****
> ** **
> All this reminds me of the book by Nobel laureate, Ilya Prigogine, Order
> out of Chaos, which I read perhaps 30 years ago!****
> ** **
> -Mark****
> ** **

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