
Jones corrected my error where I said...

"and the three charged leptons (i.e., electron, muon and tau) each have
integer spin."


I meant to say *half-integer spin*...


Thx Jones!



From: Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint [mailto:zeropo...@charter.net] 
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 9:26 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: [Vo]:Clues...


Food for thought...


I'm looking at wikipedia's "List of elementary particles"


and all Quarks and Leptons have an opposite (anti<whatever>)...

and the three charged leptons (i.e., electron, muon and tau) each have
integer spin.


I would argue, and this fits perfectly with my qualitative physical model,

that as far as the leptons as concerned, the elementary 'particles' 

(e.g., electron and antielectron (positron)) are simply the two opposites 

of a dipolar oscillation;  and likewise for the muon and tau leptons and 

their anti-particles...


The oscillations are occurring so fast that we cannot, as of this date,

the frequency of the oscillation, and thus, we PERCIEVE them to be separate


The more I delve into the details, the more I see agreement with the

model which has been built up over the years...


Enjoy the SuperBowl commercials! 
They're not nearly as good as they used to be...




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