What was the point in the 1 MW sales then if he didn't need the money?  
Couldn't he have partnered with someone without the wasted time on the 1 MW 
plant?  You really don't think his customers are reverse engineering his 
technology if it is a 64 trillion dollar business?  Dick Smith is just another 
customer and Rossi said customers can run whatever tests they want.  Rossi is 
making pure profit with just a simple test.  Rossi should spend a little less 
time on blogging and calling people snakes when he could be making money with 
business.  Rossi said he didn't care if the results are published to the 
public.  Making a million e-cats is going to take a lot of money.  Where is he 
getting his money from?  Nothing he does makes any sense, unless he's an idiot 
who stumbled upon cold fusion or he is a fraud.  Almost everything has been 
Rossi said, and most of what Rossi said has been lies.  Why is there any reason 
to believe anything he says?  I was willing to wait until March 31 before I 
decided if Rossi was a fraud or not, but right now I'm leaning heavily towards 
being a fraud because of the lies he has told.  I am under no obligation to 
believe Rossi's claims if he won't allow a legitimate test that benefits him 
greatly.  Again, what happened to the non-secretive 1 MW customer?  Rossi said 
it would take about 3 months for that sale right after his October 28th 
demonstration.  It has been over 3 months and there is no news at all.
On Feb 15, 2012, at 10:05 AM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

> From Jarold:
> > There is absolutely no excuse why Rossi wouldn't accept this offer. 
> > I was sitting on the fence with Rossi, but now I'm leaning more
> > towards him being a fraud. 
> ...
> Many here (including myself) wish that Rossi would accept the challenge. 
> However, Rossi is under no obligation to prove to any of us, "us" who reside 
> in the honorable peanut gallery, that his eCat claims are legitimate. All 
> that seems matters to Rossi is the immediate care and feeding of his 
> mysterious business relationships. THAT is the 64 trillion dollar question 
> that we should be trying to get a better handle on.
> As Jed as already stated, Rossi has repeatedly stated that there will be no 
> more public demonstrations or tests! ... that is, unless Rossi decides to 
> change his mind, which he could do on a dime if he feels it would be in his 
> best interests to do so. 
> There have also been plenty of reasons brought forth from individuals, 
> including McKubre pertaining to why Rossi seems to feel it is not necessarily 
> in his best interest to prove to the world at this particular moment in time 
> that his eCats are for real. All that matters to Rossi is that his carefully 
> guarded business interests believe that his eCats are for real - by allowing 
> THEM to perform all the necessary due diligence they need to do on his eCats 
> in private. Meanwhile, if the rest of the world, his critics, as well as 
> potential competition don't think he eCats are for real, all to the better.
> Many fret about Rossi's behavior. They just can't seem to understand why he 
> behaves in the quirky manner that he does. They just don't like it!!!!!
> All I can say is: expect more of the same from Rossi.
> Get over it.
> Regards
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> www.OrionWorks.com
> www.zazzle.com/orionworks

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