The comments at are worth reading.
(Including a long to-and-fro with Sol Millin).

The Ian Bryce chimes in, complaining that Krivit isn't giving due weight to his "earth wire" theory.

> True the E-CATS produced a mixture of steam and water at 100C. But even if there was minimal steam and mainly water raised from 18 to 100C as measured, the heat capacity (excluding heat of vaporization) demands an energy source. At the calibrated flow rate, the output power was around 2600 W for up to 6 hours, when the input power was measured to be zero.

So .. he accepts that the eCat is generating excess heat

> Only the earth wire hypothesis can account for those 7 tests with verifiable output power.

Only? Either that ... or it really IS a LENR device!

(A certain M.Y. shoots down Bryce's theory ... and a bit further down, seems to be calling the invoice a fake!)

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