This is a bit off topic to the thread (ok, way off), but speaking of
advanced civilizations "on earth" which we did not know about till very
recently, this one is a full 6000 years ahead of what we thought was the
first advanced ones (i.e. the "Fertile Crescent" or Egypt). Look at the
detail in the carvings.

I am blown away by this ...

If they should find a copper tool or so-called Baghdad battery in the
relics, it will be only slightly more astonishing than the obvious one. How
could we have missed 6000 years of history which is lost between this, and
what follows, which is possibly less advanced?

                From: David Roberson 

                This is an interesting discussion that mirrors my thinking
as well.
                I would expect that a civilization millions of years ahead
of ours would have figured a way to construct biological appendages as
needed for the tasks at hand.  Our somewhat limited understanding of the
biological processes is advancing at a rapid rate and one day it will be
standard procedure to regrow any injured organs as required.
                On the other hand, it might be more convenient to develop
mechanical components to assist our future selves since the power to weight
ratio can be much higher than evolution has generated thus far.
                Let's just hope that it is not typical for an advanced
civilization to end itself with super weapons once it reaches a certain
point in its development!
                -----Original Message-----
                From: LORENHEYER 

                It is very highly likely that advanced civilizations have
times long-past 
                obsoleted the mode of technology and/or means of
transmitting & receiving 
                information. > More than likely there are countless signals
from civilizations 
                like ours traveling thru space right now, and we don't even
know it.... take 
                it from there as to what we're percieving it as. > Maybe,
just white noise 
                or background  radiation.... who know's. > One thing for
sure I'd say, is 
                that what we think refard as ET or Aliens, are the end
product of at countless 
                millions og years of technologuical progression.. afterall
our common 
                ancestor is Chimp because it's been extablished that our DNA
is about 98% the 
                sam, and so what would someone a million, 10 million, 100
million and/or even 
                multi- billions of years look like. > Just what would have
transpired over 
                that amount of time and made everything we regard as typical
or normal, as 
                archaic as the stone-aged caveman, and/or, as extinct as a
Dinosaur . > Maybe 
                to someone who is so capable and long since developed the
technology that is 
                enabling them to BE IN Space, as opposed to being down here
among us 
                humanosaurs, would simply say to us (if they actually used
sound or a verbal 
                language 'perse)....          See you later Alligator!,,,
After while 
                or because they are operating in a whole complete highly
                capacity.... its  Mind over matter my dear watson.   > Why,
not only would we 
                not even believe it, we wouldn't even likely suspect what it
meant > Now,  I 
                base all this on what I have seen with my own two eyes over
the years, and 
                therefore  am 100 % absolutely convinced that so-called
modern man is indeed 
                so far-back in time that IT is what is unbelievable. > To
me, UFO no longer 
                stands for Unidentified Flying Object, because I 'know' and
therefore refer 
                to it as an IFO,  which of course stands for   Infallible
Foremost Obscurity. 

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