I have a question that has bugged me for quite some time now and maybe one of 
you would humor me with a simple explanation.

Do we have to consider the total energy required for a P + e to become a N to 
have to arise out of a non active material?  By this I refer to a material that 
is not currently generating LENR reactions until the conversion is met.

I ask this question because it appears that the actual LENR reactions release 
much more energy than that required to initiate the next one.  Why are we not 
able to "steal" some energy and be on our merry way?

My assumption is that the first reaction is a result of an external effect such 
as a cosmic ray trigger.  Thanks for advancing my understanding of the 


-----Original Message-----
From: pagnucco <pagnu...@htdconnect.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Mon, Feb 20, 2012 3:01 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A brief, semi-classical take on Widom-Larsen theory

I am trying to find minimal semi-classical models for W-L theory.
uantum W-L theory requires intense local e-m fields.
Metallic nano-structures can super-focus coulomb and magnetic fields.
urface probes show huge amplifications at nano-sized "hotspots" - even
fter 2-Dimensional filtering which smudges and attenuates peaks.
Does a "hotspot" electron passing free protons (with equal, opposite
omentum) or an immobile proton experience enough ampere force long enough
o overcome the 780 KeV barrier, producing a ULMN?
Using classical physics, the two references I cited indicate that in
anostructures, conduction electrons' momentum, inertial mass and magnetic
nergy can be vastly larger than in macroscopic circuits.  Maybe a
emi-classical analysis can yield reasonable results - if actual field
trengths, charge densities, electron velocities,... are used?
re entanglement, nonlocality, Bose condenscation, ... really needed?
I'm uncertain.  Good data is hard to find.
Thanks for the reply,
ou Pagnucco

n Sun, 19 Feb 2012, Alain Sepeda wrote:
if you red WL theory, they say that the neutrons are generated
rom coherents pairs of p+e, and the result is a group of possible neutrons
idely distributed among the coherents p, thus slow and delocalized
 kind of schodinger cat gang

ost are alive, but one is dead, but nobody knows which, so the dead cat is
ide, thus slow
2012/2/16 <pagnu...@htdconnect.com>
> W-L LENR theory claims ultra-low momentum neutrons (ULMNs) are created
 - quite surprising if due to high kinetic energy e-p collisions.

 Overcoming the electroweak effective potential barrier that repels
 an electron from a proton (= udu 'quark bag') requires 780 KeV.

 Can slow (non-relativistic) electrons climb the barrier by borrowing
 just enough potential magnetic (but no kinetic) energy - leaving ULMNs?

 As shown in [1], in nanowires. almost no conduction electron energy is
 kinetic.  Almost all is likely stored in virtual exchange photons.

 On metal hydride nano-particle surfaces, plasma electrons and protons
 can oscillate in parallel and opposite directions .
 -- When velocity = 0, coulomb force brings some e-p pairs together
 -- as velocity increases, magnetic ampere force pinches e-p pairs closer

 Semiclassically, this increasing ampere force is equivalent to a rising
 linear potential in a time-varying Schroedinger equation - Graphically:


  MIN AMPERE FORCE       ----------------> AMPERE FORCE RISES

       ^                 ^            ^         ^
       .                 .            .         .
 \      .           \     .        \   .        \.
  \     .            \    .         \  .         \ e
  \    .    +-+ +--  \   .  +-+ +-  \ . +-+ +-   |:+-
   \   .    | | | ^   \  .  | | |    \.e| | |    |:|
    \  .    | | | |    \ .  | | |     \_| | |    |:|
     \ .    | | | |     \   | | |         | |    |V|
      \     | | |780     \ e| | |         | |    | |
       \    | |u|KeV      \_| |u|         |u|    |u|
        \   | |d| |           |d|         |d|    |d| --> ULMN (ddu)
         \ e| |u| |           |u|         |u|    |u|     + neutrino
          \_| |_| V           |_|         |_|    |_|

 An electron arriving at a potential wall is pushed forward by the
 magnetic coupling to millions of conduction electrons and back-reacts
 by borrowing some of their collective momentum (Newton's 3rd Law).

 Ref[2] shows that electrons in nanowires can acquire enormous inertial
 mass from this coupling - distinct, I believe, from relavistic mass
 - which may make the surface plasma appear as an extremely viscous
 fluid to gamma rays, and could trap most high-energy gammas.

 [1]"How Much of Magnetic Energy is Kinetic Energy?" - Kirk T. McDonald

 [2]"Extremely Low Frequency Plasmons in Metallic Microstructures"

 Comments/corrections very welcome,
 Lou Pagnucco

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