Alain Sepeda,
### sorry for the syntactically/orthographically garbled reply ###
this is a hopefully cleaned one:

Von: Alain Sepeda <>
Gesendet: 17:58 Freitag, 30.März 2012
Re: [Vo]:New global warming curves show acceleration
explain both climastrology belief, and lenr denial.
anyway both
thery are right imho

What do you
mean by that?
overarching theme, by sensible observers, seems to be a disbelief in the
methods and procedures of conventional science.
Which rings
a tiny bit true to me.
There is a
lot of dirty laundry to wash.
But I'm not
ready to throw out the baby out of the bathwater, as currently the US 
Just the
science  as a whole is probably the most
diverse collection of factoids via the scientific method, correctly applied,
and by far surpasses anything in LENR or other fields.
But maybe I
misunderstood You.
I get quite
annoyed of any AGW deniers, which cross my trail, because they so not seem the
scientific method, nor the delicate web of diverse methods, which hints to a
common cause.
He, who
does not understand that in sufficient depth, understands nearly to nothing wrt
the scientific 'ahem'- realm.
and also 'feasibility', are very sensible constructs, which result from a
diversity of perspectives, and are approved by an open discourse, and not
priests of whatever profession, who keep the flame.
(Btw, some
3 of my posts have been lost in the list. The list notified me. It concerns
Axil, Ed Storm and Abdul Rahman Lomax. Not important enough to do a post
mortem. Nevertheless, I enjoy the list, because of its substantial spectrum of


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