 Von: "lorenhe...@aol.com" <lorenhe...@aol.com>
An: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Gesendet: 19:25 Montag, 2.April 2012
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:Advanced Theory of Energy/Being
>The best way I can think of to get a prototype of the one system that will 
enable star travel a few hundred years or so...

Now, Loren, you are funny, and probably calm down a bit over the years.
I do'nt know what you imagine, but I'm sure you know about the Fermi-Paradox, 
which correctly thought out in a realistic manner, (no fancy wormhole-travel or 
faster-than-light travel).
I did the thinking myself a couple of years ago, but am not the only one.
The conclusions are harsh.

There is an interesting guy with nick 'goatguy', who is a hardboned thinker 
about the possible.

He laid out his thoughts about the fermi-paradox and the possibility of  
interstellar space-travel here:

Main conclusions:
a) searching for singals from intelligent civilizations -SETI etc- is a 
pointless exercise.
b) interstellar space-travel at near light-speed is nearly impossible 
he says it like this.
...– and most important – is my hypothesis that inter-stellar space travel 
isn’t statistically possible at high speed. With the almost uncountable 
gazillions of chunks of Oort and Kuiper Cloud objects ranging down to 
foot-ball sized hunks of junk, and the very high likelihood of a lumpy 
continuum of similar stellar nursery “leftovers” sluicing about between 
the star systems indefinitely, the likelihood of having a critical part 
of a large interstellar space-craft hitting a hunk of junk seems very 

This is fine, realistic thinking.
Possibly the universe we live in,  still has some surprises for us, and the end 
of science is not near yet.
But this is pure speculation.
I personally do not engage in that any more. Only for educational purposes.
A more fruitful activity eg would be to ponder about modal logic and Spencer 
Browns 'laws of form'.


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