Greetings Vortex-l

I grew up in the Sixties.....Live and Let Live.

Re: Randi. the man who came out of the closet..should be glad to
see cold fusion coin a phrase..."See Cold Fusion- Come Out of the

The "Cold Fusion Bashers" killed the careers of Pons and
prisioners.. apologies.

With respect to all,
Ron Kita

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 11:22 AM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

> You still do not get it, Xavier.
> The "lie" is not his personal predilections or sexuality - it is pretending
> to be an expert in a field in which he has not trained, and completely
> incompetent.
> Because he is a magician - he is trained at deceit. IOW he is a trained
> deceiver (liar) and a master at that trade. By comparison, Rossi is an
> amateur.
> That expertise in deceit is not, and cannot be a matter of doubt.
> He is living that kind of lie, even if "it's nobody's damn business".
> And by the way - it is +always+ someone else's damn business when a gay man
> chooses to marry a have children. Even if the wife knows - it is unfair to
> the child who has no choice in the deception.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Xavier Luminous
> > Let me answer a criticism to Ron's post. It is not homophobic. It is
> about
> > "living a lie."
> Not telling others you are gay isn't living a lie, it's just nobody's damn
> business but your own.
> -X

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