
Your skepticism is understandable, especially if you have not done your
homework to follow Mills as I have. The investors are "qualified" [read
wealthy] or corporations who can afford long shots. Mills' production of
journal papers and a book of epic  scope are notable, but the proof is in
the product. Nobody in the energy field has reliably used water as a fuel to
produce electricity directly. This is accomplished; read the Validation
reports on the website.  Scale-up may have its problems. 


Mike Carrell


From: Robert Lynn [] 
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:RE: CMNS: CIHT paper


As I understand it Blacklight has an exceptionally high Promises:Products
ratio over the first 20 years of their existence, and have burned through an
enormous amount of money from investors (no doubt hurting a fair number of
people and careers for those that believed in them).  Does this latest
release represent a significant change from their business modus operandi?
Is there any reason why we should have greater faith in their ability to
deliver on current promises than those of years past?  Or is this another
Paul Moller like operation?


Put another way; is there anyone in the collective who would invest a
significant portion of their wealth into Blacklight?

On 28 May 2012 17:39, Mike Carrell <> wrote:

Blacklightpower has posted a major release of the IHT cell [Catalyst induced
Hydrino Transition]. Peter Gluck has posted a link to a 89-page paper at the
site detailing the CHIT cell chemistry and operation. I will list below
features warranting attention by members of this group:


1.       The cell generates electricity directly, without a thermal cycle. 

2.       The fuel is water vapor produced by bubbling argon through water.

3.       The end products are hydrinos [H in the H(1/4) state], electricity
, and oxygen

4.       No pollution

5.       No scarce or costly materials

6.       Adaptable to volume manufacture

7.       CIHT battery of desired voltage by stacking cell plates

8.       Validation reports by six very competent scientists

9.       Current test at a 10 W level, 1.5 kW modules for residential use in

10.   Estimated installed cost <$100/kW

11.   Privately financed, investment to date ~$60 million


The existence of the hydrino state of hydrogen has been established by
multiple means which are outlined the website links. A short summary of the
CIHT cell operation is on p.28 of the cited paper. The cell operates at an
elevated temperature Which may be maintained by insulation but initiated by
external power; it is not part of the energy balance.


In my experience of a couple of decades of Mills-watching, I have found
statements backed up by evidence. Careful reading is recommended. Do not
assume features which "look like" some other work  "really is" other work.


This is a historical achievement. 


Mike Carrell



From: [] On Behalf Of
Peter Gluck
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 5:10 AM
Subject: CMNS: CIHT paper


For those interested in hydrinos:

Mike Carrell has found this paper describing

the configuration and operation of Randy Mills'

CIHT Cell:



Dr. Peter Gluck

Cluj, Romania


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