There are a several excellent reasons for a flat design.  It can be up scaled 
easily by laying parallel units side by side to obtain larger power levels.  
Also, heat can be more easily extracted from a larger surface area such as a 
rectangle when compared to a cylinder.  We do not know exactly how Rossi is 
reinforcing the flat structures for pressure as he may be doing it with the 
outer shell.  And, I would think it is far easier to build a flat planar 
structure into a package especially when more than one is used.

I suspect that the cost of the heavier material required to offset the strength 
lost due to flat versus cylinder shape is not important.  At the size of his 
devices this material difference will be far out weighted by the energy savings.

Do consider that all of the examples that you pointed out are usually seen in a 
stand alone environment where there is no need for an outer supporting 
structure which can easily compensate.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jojo Jaro <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Tue, Jun 19, 2012 1:41 am
Subject: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Rossi’s carbon nanotubes

Axil, IMHO, the following is my analysis:

1.  I think we can be certain that the major redesign had something to do with 
being able to deliver sparks more efficiently.  A pressure vessel made of 2 
parallel plates makes abosolutely no sense for a pressure vessel from a 
mechanical or structural point of view.  A vessel that is wide and broad and 
thin makes a poor pressure vessel because it is more difficult to prevent leaks 
and to fortify it properly for pressure operation.  Hence the resulting vessel 
would have to be sturdier than necessary making it more expensive.  Hence, 
makes no sense from a structural point of view.  There's a reason why almost 
pressure vessels we use in the industry are cylindrical in shape, ie. propane 
tanks, gas tanks, oxygen tanks, and all sorts of pressure tanks.  Roosi's 
redesign to a FatCat was prompted by something else.  To me, it was the need to 
deliver sparks.  I can't think of anything else.

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