Probably not, but maybe they should be... 

... since the frakcers are multiplying like rabbits these days; and the most
profitable thing to do with all that methane is probably to convert it to
gasoline at the well-head.

Synfuels International operates a pilot plant in Robertson County, Texas
which is apparently running now 24/7 on natural gas to demonstrate their
synfuel technologies for potential commercial scale up. It is not an awesome
factory, but at least it is not vaporware.

They claim to produce a cleaner synthetic gasoline from natural gas at half
the present wholesale cost, using a proprietary "Non-Fischer Tropsch"
Portfolio of Technologies ...

Essentially, because it can be run on a small scale - the technology would
turn any "Fracker" into a gasoline wholesaler, and BIG OIL cannot come close
to their cost. That situation will lower prices, since the Cartel cannot
control supply/demand.

Not exactly what we want to see as a long-term energy solution, or even
short term, but perhaps it is the lesser of two evils from the consumers POV

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