Life imitating Art, or vice-a-versa?



Title: Anomaly Detection at Multiple Scales (ADAMS)



The Anomaly Detection at Multiple Scales (ADAMS) program will develop and
apply algorithms for detecting

anomalous, threat-related behavior of systems, individuals,
groups/organizations, and nation-states over hours, days, months,

and years. ADAMS will develop flexible, scalable and highly interactive
approaches to extracting actionable information from

information system log files, sensors, and other instrumentation.


FY 2011 Accomplishments:

- Conceptualized approaches for finding indicators of anomalous behaviors
buried in petabytes of observational data.


FY 2012 Plans:

- Formulate techniques for determining whether a system, individual,
group/organization, or nation-state is exhibiting anomalous

behavior suggestive of a threat.

- Develop technologies specific to the problem of detecting malicious


FY 2013 Plans:

- Demonstrate the capability to identify anomalous behavior suggestive of a

- Quantify probabilities of detection and false alarm for anomalous
behaviors from measured threat profiles.

- Characterize techniques for detecting malicious insiders

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