Jed, I have.  The more I do, the more I realize Darwinian Evolution is a lie 
and a fraud.

You see, over the years many "neo" Darwinists have been coming up with 
explanations to plug the leaky holes of Darwin's original theory.  Neo 
Darwininism is now a hodgepodge conglomeration of increasingly dubious ideas.  
Take Stephen J. Gould's idea of "Punctuated Evolution", that hypothesizes that 
evolution occurs in spurts.  Punctuated Evolution was devised to explain why 
after over a century of intense fossil digging, we still have not found any of 
the supposedly "transition species".?  So he came up with this nonsense to 
explain why transition species can not be found.  So, he think he has plugged 
one hole, not realizing that he has opened up another bigger hole.  Like, how 
do  you explain "rapid" evolution without a cause.  If evolution occurs in 
spurts, it is rapid and therefore does not fit Darwin's original idea that 
evolution is due to slow mutation and natural selection (survival of the 
fittest).  Using this criteria, Gouild's Punctuated Evolution is no longer 
Darwinian Evolution.  Both ideas presupposes a different mechanism that drive 
changes.  What that mechanism is, Gould conveniently "does not know".

Did you know that the entire narrative of man's supposed descent from ape-like 
creatures, to Lucy down to Homo Sapiens is stitched together by bones that 
would fit the bed of a small pickup truck.  How can one be so biased as to 
claim that a truck full of bones is sufficient "fact" to claim the descent of 
man as a tautology.

And there are a host of other ideas just a ridiculous and dubious as the above.

So, as a matter of fact Jed, I know and have studied Darwinian Evolution.  I am 
not the close-minded, propaganda-victim, blind faith individual you would like 
to believe.  So, Jed, how many papers in Intelligent Design have you read and 
studied.  Have you read Stephen Meyer's paper on Specified Complexity?.  Have 
you read Microbiologist Micheal Behe's paper on Irreducible Complexity and the 
Bacterial Flagellum?  Have you read Tipler's "The physics of Immortality"?  
(Jed, I said read the original paper, not the "For dummies" version you find in 
the web.) LOL....

Of course NOT.... cause reading these papers would give the field of 
Intelligent Design legitimacy, right?  You will not engage in a debate with me 
on the fallacies of Darwinian Evolution because that would give me legitimacy, 
right?  And of course, you won't debate a close-minded, propaganda-victim, 
blind faith individual because that is beyond your superior intellect and 
understanding, right?   The same blinded belief why Bob Parks would not debate 
with you regarding Cold Fusion.

OK, Whatever, at least we know who the close-minded individual here is.

Jed,  If you are so inclined, I can go into detail on the numerous significant 
problems of Darwinian and Neo-Darwinian Evolution  theories like:

1. Irreducible Complexity
2. Specified Complexity
3. DNA Information
4. Biological Chirality
5. Abiogenesis
6. Impropability
7. Anthropic Principle
8. Lack of Fossil Record
9. Cell Structure
10. Fossil Graves
11. OOPS - Out-of-Place stuff

These are just a sampling of the numerous holes of Neo-Darwinianism. Each 
Mack-truck hole is a significant problem for the theory in itself that any fair 
and open-minded person would gasp in amazemnet at the Darwinian Evolution lie 
that has been foisted on them.

But, of course, you have superior understanding, so you won't even bother 
strudying these issues.  Why, all the "experts" agree that Darwinian Evolution 
is correct, so no need to debate me, right?

LOL ...


PS.  By the Way, Since Rule 2 is just a guideline, and "We make the rules as we 
go", and since this is a "scientific discussion", my posting of Darwinian 
Evolution is proper for this forum, right?  And since, I can't persuade you to 
moderate your hijacking of this forum, might as well correct your 
misinformation and propaganda at every step.  

Let's see how many people here are as objective as they would like to believe.  
$100 bucks says I will now receive a barage of criticism that my posting on 
Darwinian Evolution is inappropriate, and no doubt from our "esteemed" colleage 
Dr. Peter Gluck.  And of course, I can just go "F*** my self", right?  Another 
$100 bucks says I will now be banned from this forum.  And if that is so, so be 
it.  That's the price I am willing to pay for standing up to what is right.  
And what am I standing for? Simply that people do not hijack Vortex-L with 
off-topic posts as clearly specified in our existing rules.  Simply that we as 
a community try to preserve the relevance and value of Vortex-L by discussing 
only issues that are important.  Dead Everest Bodies and Wisconsin Politics are 
clearly off-topic, and so is AGW propaganda.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jed Rothwell 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2012 12:03 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Koch founded climate skeptic changes sides

  So Jed, you are so convinced about the truth of Darwinian Evolution.  Answer 
my question.  Have you read Darwin's "The origin of Species" and "The Descent 
of Man". . . . 

  You know, there has been other research in this field since 1859. Several 
other biologists * have made observations that support the theory, and they 
have modified and expanded it. Perhaps you should look at some of the later 
work, rather than judging it by the first paper alone. many people who 
criticize cold fusion look only at the first paper by Fleischmann and Pons, 
which is admittedly not convincing. I think it is better to look at the 
totality of evidence.

  - Jed

  * When I say "several" biologists in this instance, I mean all of them.

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