Le Aug 5, 2012 à 2:38 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> a écrit :

> I have noticed that nothing is generally discussed about the most important 
> green house gas, water vapor.  It is also known that the tops of clouds can 
> reflect a lot of light back into space.  Perhaps some serious study needs to 
> be directed toward using cloud modification to reflect incoming light as an 
> insurance policy

According to Wikipedia, "water vapor responds to and amplifies effects of the 
other greenhouse gases." Additional water vapor could be a two-edged sword.  It 
may have the effect of reflecting more radiation back into space while 
simultaneously trapping heat.  The net effect could be the opposite of the one 
that is desired, unless Robert is correct, and what we really want to be doing 
is to melt the ice caps in order to avert the next ice age.


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