US News and World Report was once one of the big 3 US news magazines, along
with Time and Newsweek. A few years ago, circulation declines let to the
magazine going to a biweekly, or maybe even monthly publication, so it is
not as big a name as it used to be -- but it would still be considered a
mainstream publication.



On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 6:53 PM, Akira Shirakawa

> On 2012-08-08 19:08, Jed Rothwell wrote:
>> See:
>> new-burst-of-energy-could-**bring-cold-fusion-to-front-**burner<>
> How popular / mainstream is that site?
> And what about I've read it cover some Rossi news a couple
> times over the past year, but it appears Celani's demo at NIWeek triggered
> their interested too:
> Power/Yet-Another-Successful-**LENR-Device-Enters-the-Race.**html<>
> Cheers,
> S.A.

Frank Acland
Publisher, E-Cat World <>
Author, The Secret Power Beneath <>

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