A more sensible solution is that was NO faint young sun to begin with. 


The same flawed model of solar mechanics that gives us the solar neutrino
problem also gives us the faint young sun problem. They invented a straw man
that never was much more than fiction, and now that they are trying to keep
it in play with an even more insane rationalization.


Why not just admit the model is wrong.


The solar model of Mills posits non-nuclear hydrogen energy from the solar
corona, and thereby solves both problems, and more. This corona energy may
see-saw in intensity with fusion energy in the core. 



From: Robert Lynn 


Probably the most sensible solution is that the atmosphere was significantly
thicker.  30% less heat input would drop the earth's temperature by about
20°C, but 20% more mass of air would increase the temperature by about 20°C
at ground level.  


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