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Terry Blanton
Wed, 29 Aug 2012 04:22:46 -0700

"What we're seeing now are Mount Sharp's true colors, tinged in the
red dust of Mars."


I just put 10 odroid-x quad cores in parallel to process 475 3TB hard drives full of
Cosmic data. Using the Puppy Linux operating system for analyzing all the information
using artificial intelligence.
The fascinating conclusions are:
1. Aliens live on both Earth and Mars.
2. Mount Sharp is the top of a 10.000.000 Sq. Mile population center supported
completely by LENR powered generators.
3. Aliens are biologically sustained by consuming Tokay lizards with large Estates
within the Mars city.
4. The Tokay lizards are fed Hermetia Illucens larva/worms grown in enormous tanks
within the Mars city.
5. The worms diet is exclusively Moringa Oleifera leaf powder, secretly formulated.
6. Thousands of acres of Moringa Oleifera forests, grown under artificial light, provide
leaves to process into powder.
7. To accomodate the Earth Aliens, fresh Tokay Geckos are rocketed daily to Palmer, AK
within ice cargo vehicles.
8. Security proceedures were increased epodentially after the publication of
and cooperative investigations by two people, one in AK, the other in CA
9. This affair was quietly taken care of and a few people became Billionaires by way
of Swiss Banks.

I personally attest to this all true and fact.


Puppy Dog


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