Normally, safety guidelines are more stringent for consumer/home devices
than industrial devices because the industrial operators are expected to be
"trained users".  For example, the electromagnetic SAR limits for consumer
devices are much lower than for industrial users (think cellphones vs.
portable public safety 2-way radios).

On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 5:47 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> I am assuming that it will take as much effort to get licensing and
> approval for a 50 MW reactor as for a 20 kW home generator. I could be
> wrong about that. If it is much easier to license the big generator I can
> see the wisdom of starting with that.
> It would make zero sense to develop a cold fusion replacement for
> gigawatt-scale generators such as the ones at nuclear power plants. By the
> time something like that could be approved and built the power companies
> will be on the last legs and they will not pay their invoices.
> - Jed


Bob Higgins

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