Forget about this guy.
Studied nuclear physics to become activist at Greenpeace.
What a waste of intelligence and tax payers money.
He's not even aware of the upcoming LENR technology.

He became runner up by changing his act and appearance. A wolf in
He should have gone to artist college instead.
Players like him should not run a country.
Luckely he's failed in getting a majority in votes for his party.

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Andre Blum <> wrote:

>  BTW: I was looking for the right words. PvdA would be called a
> social-democratic party ("labour"). Disregard "socialist".
> On 09/12/2012 01:21 PM, Andre Blum wrote:
> Hi,
> Just to inform you: it is election day in the Netherlands. Polls show that
> either the PvdA (moderate socialist party) or VVD (liberals) will get out
> as the biggest.
> Leader of the PvdA is Diederik Samsom, who was a nuclear physicist and was
> an active member of Greenpeace. See
> He aims to be the next
> prime minister.
> For a NYT backgrounder on todays elections:
> Andre

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