is it what is called cognitive bias?
the effect our cost to change.

However about many recent scandal, in fiance and science, I prefer the
theory of Roland Benabou (those who follow me know it is my "pet subject",
like ZPE is for some)...
i shares some ideas but goes further.

Basically he state first, based on well know observation that we can ignore
fact that are clear, when we decide to ignore them for some reason... (even
worse than cognitive bias, since here we dont refuse to move, we refuse to
interact with facts).

then he create an econometric model where he assume that people can ignore
facts when the knowledge of those fact will reduce the estimated wealth (in
real and moral assets, like money, fame, pride).

then he compute it's consequences, and it is surprisingly enlightening,
showing surprising consequences that are observed and usually illogical if
you think people optimize their wealth

it show many things, including :
- in hierarchy (of economic dependence, not necessarily orders), the
subordinates share the delusion of superior, to avoid seing how he will
lose because of his boss delusion, while he cannot escape.
- the clearer are the proof that people are in delusion, the more violent
are the group of delusionned people to defend the illusion. (see fraudster,
scam, denialist, negationist, revisionist)
- people can miss opportunity to mitigate losses, simply to avoid seing
they have lost

it have consequences up to religious beliefs choices, perception of poor
peoples, paradoxal tax choices... and explain deep US/Europe  values gap
while facts are very near.

about CF and other scientific delusion, you can observe how violent can be
the opposition when clear facts are presented, and how clearly stupid,
clearly illogical, clearly corrupted, and perfectly accepted they can be
(see report 41 and Science quite similar to
Enron boss suicidal behavior at the end.

Few people here really imagine how clear are the fact for a really neutral
foreigner of the domain... I always talk of "Stockholm Syndrome" because
people here play the ultra-skeptics not to believe too much in facts, but
anyone used with usual science claims, will say that it is one of the
really sure facts today, and that even the industrialist in LENR seems more
credible than many well funded startup in IT, Renewable or similar fashion
domains... the residual risk in LENR is far lower than in usual case.

maybe we are partially delusioned because be are subordinate to the "lords
of science" that have blocked LENR for decades, and we don't want to
realize how far they have screwed us deep...
too painful to realize it.

2012/9/20 Peter Gluck <>

> We have, had and will have troubles with
> misinformation- from outside and from
> inside; therefore this paper can be of
> interest for some of our colleagues:
> *Misinformation: Why It Sticks and How to Fix It:*
> I want to emphasize it is about troubles, not problems.
> Peter
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania

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