Steve Krivit has posted a note of about the Nov-14 upcoming event:
LENR Panel Session at American Nuclear Society National Meeting

On Wednesday, Nov. 14, from 8:30 a.m. to noon, the American Nuclear
Society will hold a panel session on low-energy nuclear reaction research
at its winter national meeting at the Town and Country hotel and resort in
San Diego, Calif. The last LENR session at an ANS meeting took place in
June 1998.

The session will explore the surprising possibility that highly energetic
nuclear reactions and elemental transmutations result from LENRs. Although
the term was not used a century ago, examples of LENRs go back that far.
LENRs are weak interactions and neutron-capture processes that occur in
nanometer- to micron-scale regions on surfaces in condensed matter at room
temperature. Although nuclear, LENRs are not based on fission or any kind
of fusion, both of which primarily involve the strong interaction.

The speakers and topics for the panel session are:

Steven B. Krivit, publisher and senior editor of New Energy Times, from
San Rafael, Calif.: “The Big Picture of Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction

Yasuhiro Iwamura, a LENR experimentalist with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
in Japan: “Transmutation Reactions Induced by Deuterium Permeation Through
Nano-Structured Pd Multilayer Thin Film,” co-authors Takehiko Itoh
(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.), Yasuko Terada (Japan Synchrotron
Radiation Research Institute), Tetsuya Ishikawa (Coherent X-Ray Optics
Laboratory, SPring-8/RIKEN)

Domenico Cirillo, a LENR experimentalist with Cirillo Labs in Caserta,
Italy: “Slow Neutron Generation by Plasma Excitation in Electrolytic Cell”

Lewis G. Larsen, a LENR theorist and chief executive officer of Lattice
Energy LLC, from Chicago, Ill: “Electroweak Neutron Production via e + p
–> n + v and Capture During Lightning Discharges”

See -

If you look at the following paper (p.1 preview):

"Experimental Evidence of a Neutron Flux Generation in a Plasma
Discharge Electrolytic Cell"

- it appears that some of the neutrons generated in the plasma do escape
and are detectable.  Transmutations are also present with isotopic
distributions that do not appear in nature.

One of Cirillo's earlier papers is at-
"Transmutation of metal at low energy in a confined plasma in water"

Some abstracts of papers by the authors are at -

Since the discharge occurs in H2O, is it possibly related to sonofusion?

- Lou Pagnucco

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