The "True" people of this Country have been, are being, and/or will 
continue (?) to be   worked & played and/or by the leeches & parasites that 
all Countries with anykind of wealth.... A huge number of various 
call/screen names w/ yahoo, gmail, hotmail accounts (among others) are 
generally all 
apart of the same group or effort to swindle, con, defraud, influence, 
swindle, lie, scam, and/or blab endlessly their way into your life, while 
you believe they are honest, ethical, fair-minded, normal good people, like 
you & me.                                                                     
   Now, I simply must take this opportunity to thank these one & the same 
individuals (posing as human beings) for making themselves (in)obvious about 
their intentions.... so please try to remember that "they're" everywhere 
working & playing "us" like the naive gullible fools, we are.                   
                                                      Thank you all for 
your time, and your trust, sense of decency, and the sharing spirit  of 
donating your wealth or any money you have, or may come across, and/or last but 
least, your soon-to-be demise.... as all good things must come to an end!   
Sincerely   L.H. </HTML>

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