<mix...@bigpond.com> wrote:

> BTW such a system will effectively have to wait at least until FTL
> communications are achieved.

I'm with St. Albert on this. I doubt that FTL communication or travel is
possible. Anyway, what I wrote is predicated on that assumption.

> Actual interstellar travel will be rare . . .

Even the concept of "barter" is cloudy when there is physical contact
between the parties. It is hard to imagine a television producer on Earth

"I've had it with those people at Alpha centauri! We sent them five
miniseries last year, and they sent us only one in return. We're not
broadcasting anything more in their direction until they pay up."

Even if the producer felt that way, the programs arriving on earth would
have left Alpha centauri five years earlier, and there would be no way of
knowing how much is in the pipeline. You cut back broadcasts from Earth and
two years later, even before the people at Alpha centauri learn you are
upset, you get 8 broadcasts from them. It would be impossible to coordinate
or balance the books. That's with a star 5 light years away. The ones that
are 20 years away, you get to make one business decision during your entire
career, since it takes 40 years for them to respond to your new marketing
program or your proposed new sales contract. Even 5 years would be
ridiculously slow. In this part of the galaxy stars are no closer than ~5

Really, the only way to work it is to throw the information at them for
free, with no expected benefit or return on investment on your end.

For intellectual property, they sure can't pay royalties. On the other
hand, they can't undersell you or outsource your workforce. Not that there
will be any human workers . . . A civilization capable of interstellar
travel would surely have perfected robots enough to replace all human
workers. Humans would make decisions only.

Really, it is hard to know what humans would do with such advanced
technology. Life may seem pointless, as Orwell pointed out in "The Road to
Wigan Pier."

- Jed

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