
The central pressure of that storm is down to 946 mB pressure which says
she will be extremely powerful and devastating.   It will be the equivalent
of an F5 tornado along with a billion tons of water whipping around.  It
appears to be tracking exactly to the point of the massive sinkhole which
opened up on the Erie Canal in July/August that I modeled 5 days ago.  The
latest doppler image I posted I think is showing the particle's path up to
lake Erie.  If your daughter is anywhere near the path of the center of
that thing I would get her out.


On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> I recall that in the 1960s many people complained about the cost of the
> space program. They thought that developing rockets was a waste of money,
> especially the moon race.
> The space program brought us weather satellites, communication satellites
> and the GPS.  My guess is that the money we will save in the next few days
> with this technology will be roughly enough to pay for the entire program.
> Especially when you factor in the dollar cost of a human life, which an
> insurance company or government agency calculates in a cold-blooded but
> realistic way. The Great Hurricane of 1938 caused massive damage across the
> East Coast and killed roughly 600 people. Most of the casualties were
> caused because people had no way of knowing the storm was coming, because
> they had no space-based weather forecasting.
> The space race also brought tremendous progress in integrated circuits and
> various other spin-offs.
> People opposed to scientific and technological exploration should think
> carefully about this. Unfortunately, they won't. They get all the benefits
> from technology as those of us who favor progress, even as they kvetch
> about it. What could be more ludicrous that a person using a computer and
> the Internet to type essays condemning depersonalized and unnatural modern
> technology? I am not saying that technology is perfect or that it is
> harmless, but I say we should be grateful for it. People have no idea how
> difficult life was in the past. I often wish I could throw them into a time
> machine and have them spend a month in the year 1800, with a toothache.
> In other news, my daughter who lives in New York City sent me this:
> *Hurricane To Do List*
> The World
> Watch the weather Channel
> Pack evacuation kit
> Buy batteries
> Grocery shop for dry goods, and by water
> Watch the weather Channel more
> Pack the car with essentials
> Speculate with neighbors about hurricane
> New York
> Buy vodka
> Buy backup cigarettes
> Conjure potentially viral tweets
> Plan hurricane party w/ urban tribe
> Complain
> Speculate if the hurricane will cancel work Monday
> Wonder if French press works with no power
> - Jed

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