Off topic.

On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 9:21 PM, <> wrote:

> This is for all the devoted Demo-rats, which can be confused with a small
> furry rodent that lives in subways & sewers, and can spread diseases to the
> human population. The Rats used in many laboratories along with it's
> less-developed Mouse cousin (of which are the first to develope/evolve
> after the
> E.L.E. 65 million years ago) are used in various experiments and adapted to
> man-made enclosed environment that cause it's genes to mutate or grow White
> Hair or Fur.  Their purpose is to aid human beings in their plight to live
> healthy or free from deadly viruses or bacteria that can transform into
> more
> serious diseases, or a plague.
>                                        Sadly, for many of these somewhat
> cuddley little virmen producing creatures, it's too late, because they're
> unaware of their demise about to be administered to them via  endless
> testing of
> pain tolerances and/or extreme conditons for endurance, of which usually
> leads to a shortened lifespan. Their Wanabe Chemosloppy BO Bwana From
> Kenyya
> Nairobi, that thinks highly of himself and/or either as a Man, or a
> President, is actually a terrorist-loving anti-whitey-american,
> anti-economy,
> anti-freedom, or anti due-process, anti justice, and/or anti everything
> this
> Country means, represents, or stands for, except maybe for what has
> enabled the
> malodorous BO to mingle in with  a so-called community of people   that
> befriended Mr Stinkey One.
> These useful tools would go on to serve BO's purpose, because they simply
> couldn't resist the overpowering spell put upon them. BO filled them with
> anger
> & resentment & even hatred toward the humans & their establishment. They
> were under a hypnotic trance-like mindless state of obedience, having no
> choice but to Support this Greatly Disappointed Self Annointed Messiah
> Genius w/
> a IQ so high, it couldn't' even be measured.
>                                                     Yeah anyway, so,
> looking back on BO's history of how he had managed to navigate the tree
> tops into
> this Country, starting all the way back in his original birth place in
> Kenya
> Africa, as just a wee small innocent primate learning how to recognize
> and/or detest whitish looking skin.... he was born to a Whitey Mother,
> which
> tends to be a certain undesireable color thats associated with intelligence
> and/or characteristic of a civilized human being.
>                                              BO's Father's side of the
> Family Clan mostly regarded these very unnatural traits as being offensive,
> unacceptable and/or unapproved of, and so, the actual truth of what
> happened to
> his BO's Whitey Mother is w/o transparency and/or likely involved some type
> of foul-play, or some way in which muzzleheaded piritives deal with
> troubling issues.
>                                 Now, early on in BO's life, Big Oil &
> Banking (Big Money) had essentially taken him  "Out Of Africa" into a
> certain
> area of Jacarta Indonesia, where he went to school and learned the lame
> teachings of the correct way to stone, torture, or kill people, and/or
> earned a
> Degree in Dictatorship. From there he moved to another upscale white
> dis-liking
> or despising residence in Hawaii, where he obtained his highly prized (much
> like the White House) forged birth certificate.
>                                   Back in that time-period, the State of
> Hawaii had somewhat lapsed loopholds or laws that enabled those seeking
> "illegal"citizenship the opportunity to obtain a forged birth certificate,
> and so,
> BO's Uncle (a genuine card-carrying communist) being a Legal (?) Guardian,
> had taken BO there for the specific purpose of establishing citizenship of
> America, the evil empire,,, which was the apple of BO's eye!
>                                                                    Now,
> looking into BO's past since illegally misoccupying this Country... he
> spent a
> lot of his time fitting-in with the "so-called" people, and proceeded to
> learn of their gullible ways.  He began to organize their efforts, and
> acquired
> much support for his noble effort to gain power by rnnning for a senate
> seat (test run). He had his sight set on the Presidency, because he was
> sure
> that nothing could stop him from obtaining power & wealth,  which America
> so
> generously offered.
>                                                    His promise of hope &
> change was essentially a plan to fundamentally change this country for his
> very own personal gain. So back when BO was (illegal) sworn-in by taking
> The
> Oaf For The Office Of The Presidency, I had noticed how BO seemed to
>  stumble
> on some of the Oafish words being recited, and he almost seem to laugh or
> scoff at it. Of course, it's because he needed to let his fellow clan
> members
> and/or BS (black support) know that he was "not" sincere,,, and they
> wouldn't have to worry about his (ill)intentions, or lack of thereof the,,
> which
> was very important & reasuring, I might add.
>                                                                      Now,
> we all know just how obvious BO's wife (?) Miss-hell made herself out to
> be,
> w/ a certain comment made not long after becoming the First (as in 1st
> grade
> mentality ... and, no offense intended to all "true" 1st graders thruout
> the Country, who most certainly are of a higher IQ than the) Lady, that
> said
> "America Is A Mean Country" (info, via the smell of BO).  Now after a while
> of serving as the First (as in 3rd rate) Lady, and of course haven taken
> many
> if not an excessive number of All Expense Tax-Paid
> spending/shopping/vacations and/or sprees, not to mention of at least an
> equal amount, if not more
> by The Commandeer & Thief, uh,  I mean Campaigner & Chief, er, I mean
> Fundraiser & Cheat, uh, I mean Muzzelheaded Anti American & Thugly
> Gleep.... so
> then, Miss-hell made a revised and/or upgraded comment, that, "America
> Isn't
> Such a Mean Country Anymore".
>                  So, while this Country has enabled this two bit Circus Act
> of His/Hers Air Force One to essentially be used to travel about the world
> on an endless All Tax Expense-Paid shopping, golfing, vacation, fundraising
> tour, and/or provided an opportunity to hog as many donations and/or
> various
> monies as possible from the gullible, giving, sharing, compassionate,
> reliable, dependable, suckin human fools Before, the Redistribution Of
> Wealth
> and/or Defrauding The World Tour, is discovered,,, well, I think many of
> the
> dumb white rats have caught on to this monkey act, and would like to see
> them
> put back in the cage, before they do any more monkey business.
>                So now, it's time once again for a Reality Check! ... In the
> future, if you ever you here how intelligent slumwon is, that you never
> herded of, you'll need to do some homey wurk furst, to sea if that pursun
> meshurzs up.  If they say 1+ 1 = 10, or, 1 for you, and 5 million for me,
> and/or
> nun 4 U, and all for me, etc., etc.. then you should think about revoking
> their right to exist.
>                                  So, I just want to take this time to say
> to all of you Gullible Demos out there in La La Land, that, if you ever get
> an opportunity to comunicate with the Malodorous BO-One-From-Kenya-Nairobi,
> ask him if he plans on handing out any brain cells?... if he says he
> doesn't
> know, it might either be because he can't, or he don't have any, and/or
> it's
> because his IQ is so High, and can easily supply you with any info you need
> (just as long as it doesn't have anything to do with your future!)  Ha
> Hah!!!
>                                       PS. The next time you Demo-rats
> nominate someone, make sure that person can actually "think" like a human,
> instead of only mimicing one, otherwise it's simply a matter of "monkey
> see,
> monkey do", and then, monkey pilages, plunders & destroys everything you
> have!.... " If you can't beat'em, or altogether eliminate'em, then by all
> means
> join'em, but just remember that there'll always be a price to pay.  It's a
> given
> that things are going to get more expensive, and especially when you factor
> in that  more & more corruption is thee way to get things done.
>                          BTW, the rats likely swam toward higher ground,
> before they were overwhelmed by the rising water.  They're probably
> clinging
> to life in whatever dry crawl space they can find.  They must survive, or
> else new york will never be the same.   Tee Hee.
> << Actually we know from where he came; but, where did he go?  For those
> who
>  do not understand the reference, it was a book made and remade into a
> movie
>  concerning a young man's relationship with a rat.
>  The question has been posed about what happened to all the sewer and
> subway
>  rats living in NYC?  Did they survive or die:
> </HTML>

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