Zell, Chris <chrisz...@wetmtv.com> wrote:

> A lack of threats? That depends what side offers safety and acceptance.
> http://www.climatedepot.com/a/1096/Execute-Skeptics-Shock-Call-To-Action-At-what-point-do-we-jail-or-execute-global-warming-deniers--Shouldnt-we-start-punishing-them-now
> Should they be executed? Or just sent to jail?  Is this the scientific
> method at work?

This does not appear to be the work of mainstream people on either side of
the debate. You can always find extremists in a political conflict, such as
people who want to impeach Obama because they think his birth certificate
is fake.

I mentioned there has been a great deal of harassment in cold fusion. Most
of this is low level stuff such as denying promotion, cutting funding, and
threatening to fire people. I do recall that in 1989 profs at MIT called
for the arrest of F&P for fraud. That is the closest thing I can think of
to this article.

> Outside of Lysenko and the Soviet Union, I have never observed such
> repellant behavior in my life.

Oh come now. I can point to hundreds of examples of similar behavior, in
academic science and other fields. There are always extremists. They have
no influence and they are no threat in this case. Don't worry about them.

- Jed

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