Jeff Berkowitz <> wrote:

Now we have this new result showing ~1 watt of excess heat at some high
> operating power (not stated but sufficient to raise the cell temp to 350C).
> By implication, I am asked to believe that the team making the measurement
> can somehow achieve absolute accuracy significantly better than MFMP have
> achieved with their open, consultative, clearly documented process.
> Sorry, I choose not to believe this right now.

On what basis? Do you know anything about their calorimetry? With the right
kind of calorimeter, researchers can measure 0.01 W with confidence. Rob
Duncan knows how to measure picowatts (10E-12 W).

Unless you know a great deal about their equipment, you are presumptuous to
reject their claim out of hand.

The people at MFM are doing a good job, but their equipment is not
expensive or high precision.

- Jed

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