At 04:07 AM 12/13/2012, Axil Axil wrote:
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax on vortex stated:

“People are very appreciative of Russ because he's getting his hands dirty, and that is indeed to be commended. But that's not enough. Cold fusion flopped about for years with people trying to make reliable heat. Scientifically, the field did not shift until Miles did much more than that: he measured helium as correlated with heat, which can cut through mountains of BS. And which did. That was a huge amount of work, he had to run many experiments, at the same time as he was losing funding and support, and it was difficult, to get published and he faced some serious -- and seriously silly -- opposition, from no less than Steve Jones, who never saw a real cold fusion result beyond his own tiny reported effect, that he didn't dislike.”

Someone posted on Russ’s site that most of the videos about the Papp engine are currently disabled. I checked a few and its true.

John Rohner makes a big deal out of this. Apparently the Rohner brothers claimed copyright on some of those and demanded that youtube take them down. That's according to John Rohner. When he first wrote that, all he did was blame his brothers for trying to censor him. But if he actually had the right to post those videos, all he had to do was certify that to youtube, and, absent a court decision, youtube would normally put them back up, as I understand the DCMA. That's called a "counterclaim" and if you make a fraudulent counterclaim, you are in legal hot water.

Why would the Rohners do this? Could it be that the open source Papp engine effort is just far too productive for comfort? Could it be that Russ has done more to bring back the Papp technology in a month than the Rohner’s have accomplished in 30 years?

The Papp technology has not been "brought back." There are people starting to look at it again.

Russ back engineered the Papp popper hardwaredown to the centimeter right from those videos; a very impressive accomplishment in my opinion.

Axil has not been specific here. What videos? Russ's study followed the Bob Rohner video, that's what he's written, but he says that most of the work was his own. And he's provided no data.

We all know that the best way to motivate the development of any product is to encourage fierce competition.

The first developer who can demonstrate over unity in power production will have all those disgruntled Rohner investors… you get the idea.

Sure. However, look. We have people claiming that they are operating, not only demonstrations, but actual engines. Except nobody has seen those engines. And the demonstrations do not show over-unity power, nor, as far as I can tell, has Russ even attempted this. What he's done is to move a piston by dumping 500 joules into it. Which does not demonstrate overunity. It does demonstrate what I've stated, a willingness to get his hands dirty. But what I wonder is why he has not taken this to the next step, which is pretty simple, by comparison. If he documents the mass of the pistion and what's connected to it, and he documents the movement of that piston (in time), the force on the piston and the distance over which this force is active, and thus the power, can be estimated, and integrated to energy. If that is close to or less than 500 joules, he has no demonstration of over unity. If it is substantially greater, he's got something. If it's close, he *doesn't yet have something that could be the basis of an engine,* and he'd need to explore the parameter space to see if he can improve the results. He's using hydrogen, not the noble gas mixture considered necessary for Papp engines, and reported as so by all the Rohners.

Even without the explicit intention, I think that could be underway shortly.

The Papp engine is just so attractive that it inspires con men and charlatans in unlimited numbers including Papp himself.

Yes. The existence of such con men does not negate the effect. Con men have attempted to exploit cold fusion in various ways. It means nothing about cold fusion itself. Just because cold fusion is real does not meant that Charley Amazing's device, ready for investment, send your money in Now and get in on the ground floor! is real.

The Rohners spent years learning at the feet of Grandfather Papp, all of it, the good, the bad and the ugly.

For all those who would aspire to the vision and the dream that the true Papp technology can be, these men of good and stout heart must be ever vigilant and watchful of scandal in this regard. I am sure that if there is anything to the Papp engine, Russ and his friends will dig it out in the most up front, honest, straightforward and well documented manner that they can muster.

Let's hope so. He's positioned to do it, but hasn't shown thoroughness, and I'm not sure he readily understands all the issues. He did not disclose aspects of what he got from John Rohner, as to the Popper kit, that he could legally have disclosed, apparently.

Now, if he signed an NDA that forbade disclosing the terms of the NDA, he'd have a problem, but sometimes these NDAs can be broken where it's obviously a benefit to public policy to do so. He should discuss this stuff with people who know.

An NDA cannot be used to prevent opening up evidence of consumer fraud, for example. But one would need to be careful. But I don't think Russ actually signed an NDA. Rather, John Rohner made copyright claims. Those do not generally disallow disclosure of fact. Complicated issue. Russ seems naive.

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